The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Tuesday 23 June 2009


I've only ever had truffles in a box of chocolates and anyone who knows me is well aware I'm not the most adventurous with my food BUT not tonight.

Neil has long since talked of the real thing - the truffles that are found underground by pigs - yes, I know all about them, just never tried them.

Well, as I type we have a real truffle in the kitchen ready to be prepared and eaten.

It was a full truffle in oil and we are having pasta tonight so Neil thought it was a good time to try it.

Sensible as ever though, he has low expectations of me - he is preparing a side dish with the truffle incase I don't like it, that way I won't be going hungry as my main dish will still be ok for me to eat.

So, watch this space - will I or won't I eat the truffle?

Answers on a postcard!

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