The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Sunday 21 June 2009

Our New Road is last!

When we were looking at Terreros as a place to live we were delighted how close the golf course was, there was a road straight from the village up to Jaravía where the course is, which would take us about 5 mins.

Less than a month after we moved here........they closed it!

They have been re-doing the road ever since.

There have been times in the last 12 months when the road has been a real mess and the people who live down in the green roofs have had terrible road conditions for a large part of the time.

We were frequently told of dates it was due to be completed by - and these dates always came and went. But, over the last couple of months there has been definite progress and we always anticipated they would be aiming to have it opened in time for San Juan night (this coming Tuesday) and the main summer weeks.

And then yesterday I heard that the road was due to be officially opened by the Mayoress of Pulpí at 8pm.

So, off we toddled to watch the official opening, a time when we would once again be able to get to golf in a morning without going halfway to Villaricos (OK, so I exaggerate a little!)

There was a small crowd of people,
a couple of speeches and a ribbon to be cut by the Mayoress.

And this is what all the wait has been for - a beautiful dual lane, tree lined road connecting us to the ring road and then on to the AP7 and Pulpí.

Of course, we drove up it - just because we could!

1 comment:

Spanish Owner said...

Excellent, Jacqui.