The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Monday 29 October 2007

To move or not to move........

There are times in anyones life when you want to run away and start again, but mostly it's a dream, or a way to get over a bad day. For me it all started with the realisation that increasing health problems meant I could no longer continue to work at the level I had for a number of years. I was finding winters difficult as my arthritis got worse and as a new but avid golfer, winters in England were a continual struggle against the cold, the rain and the mud.

After discussions with my husband about me finishing work and going into semi-retirement, we agreed it was the right thing for me and that I would finish at Christmas and get a part time job locally. Over a bottle of wine one weekend later with some good friends the discussion turned to why we would stay in this country if I was no longer in the job where I had been for over 20 years when somewhere warmer would be much more beneficial to my health and before long, we were discussing a move to Spain.

Initially I thought it was just one of those drunken discussions that friends have on a Saturday night, but in the cold light of day - it still seemed a good idea, and so the seed was sown and with a lot of discussion over the next few days we realised it made a lot of sense.

And so in February 2007 we started the next step - research!