The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday 7 October 2009

The electrician cometh.

After the electric went off at the house yesterday I spoke with our Solicitor, who has a copy of the last electric bill, to get the account details so I could contact the supplier to see whether they were aware of any problems. Our solicitor very kindly said he would phone for us and let us know.

This morning he called back to say that as far as the supplier was concerned there was nothing wrong, which means the problem is at the house.

So, with a few new Spanish words learnt - such as fuse box, switch, electric - I dialled the mobile number of the Spanish electrician that had done the work at the house and prepared myself for a very difficult conversation.

I have learnt to start every conversation with the fact that I am English and speak a little Spanish. Having explained that we were working at the house when the electric went off, I asked if he could meet us there on Friday. I felt as if I'd done enough to keep it simple so was a little surprised when he answered with Friday? Today is Wednesday!

It took me a few more moments to realise he thought we were living at the house and therefore why would we be prepared to wait until Friday before he came out, he would come today if we had no power. Spanish mañana attitude obviously does not stretch to power failures.

I managed to explain that we weren't living there at the moment and would next be through on Friday which seemed to work and he suddenly told me he would be there about 11 on Friday.


Or it will be if he turns up.

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