The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Sunday 11 October 2009

A Day Off!

After several days of work at the house, we have given ourselves a day off.

So, what momentous event did we organise for our day off?

We went to the house!

We have friends who were keen to visit the house, to see where we were moving to and so we decided today would be a good day to drive through, take time to enjoy the views, the peace & quiet and the sun. Time to appreciate why we have bought the house. Lucy has approved her room and Sophie will be coming to stay next month so it was lovely to see her and the boys happily wandering around the trees down into the valley. Dog walking is going to be such fun there, and so much easier with 3 dogs than walking them here, where they need to be on their leads for part of the walk.

Last night after we had finished work, we called on our neighbours across the valley. They have lived there just over a year and have a lot of information about the area that will be useful to us. They are an English couple with 4 dogs, who will be opwning a kennels once they have finished all the building work.

Tomorrow, is a public holiday here, but we'll be back at work!

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