The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Friday 31 July 2009

Ryanair Baggage Allowance & Cabin Allowances.

Everyday I get several visitors looking for information on Ryanair Baggage allowances. The information is not easy to find on their website as it's in the T&C section - not that easy to find, even if you know that's where you want to be.

So, for all those searching for allowances and charges - this is where you need to look:

You need to scroll down to Cabin baggage and Checked baggage.

Be aware that Ryanair are very keen on charging for excess weight and for checking in and charging for hand luggage that is over weight/size. Also, everything has to be in that one piece of hand luggage, your handbag, camera, any purchases made in duty free - only 1 bag is allowed - and they are very keen on enforcing it - I've even seen them make someone force a sandwich they had bought for the flight into the hand luggage case and I dread to think what condition it was in when they came to eat it.

The staff at Spanish airports seem to be just as keen on charging for excess weight/size as UK airports.


Spanish Owner said...

Some people though just can't be ar*ed to look, Jacqui &, IF they DID, it's PRETTY CLEARCUT !!!

Strictly one item of cabin baggage per passenger (excluding infants) weighing up to 10kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm is permitted. (handbag, briefcase, laptop, shop purchases, camera etc.) must be carried in your 1 permitted piece of cabin baggage.'

Brindy said...

I know, but when people visit looking for info they usually stay and look around the blog and I get new readers this way, so I am happy to help make their life a little easier.

Spanish Owner said...

Aha, I see, Jacqui.

BTW Mark (Marksfish on EOS) told me about a notebook laptop he's just acquired from Curry's that uses Windows XP rather than Vista, £249.99. We're hoping to see it tomorrow. He says it's excellent with a webcam built in, WIFI ready & light & small enough to pop into hand baggage but not too small regarding mens fingers wacking the keys. It's the Advent 4214 Netbook here
1GB memory & 160GB HD, 10.2" display and 1.4kg

Chris has his beady eye too on a TomTom One XLv2 UK & Europe, 22 countries, 4.3" screen with an easyport mount so you can fix it to the windscreen yet it comes off easily so looks like the cc will take a bashing over the weekend. Oh well, what's ANOTHER £500 ??

Brindy said...

The notebook sounds interesting, you'll have to let me know how you get on.

I see you and CVhris have the same problem as me & Neil. Living on a pension, spending like we were still working!

Have fun shopping.