The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Sunday 8 June 2008

OK, so now we need our furniture.

We have rented a furnished villa, but we were having a lot of our stuff from home here as well, including our golf clubs, so it was time to find out where the container with our stuff was. When it had left us is Sheffield we expected it to be here before we were - however, we hadn't reckoned on the French.

We'd had no problems getting onto our ferry and throughout the journey through Spain we had no contact with any news programs so were unaware that the french had blockaded the ports. This had caused a huge backlog with containers getting on board the ferries and our furniture was held up as a consequence.

Initially the removal company were going to sail from Plymouth to Santander, as we had but when they got to the port they couldn't get on because all the lorries that were having problems at Dover had changed their route. So, our guys, in an effort to get across the channel thought they would try Dover instead - and that was where their delay began.

And, of course, once they got across the channel, they now had to drive through France as well as Spain. Although we wanted our furniture, we had to feel for them - stuck in a lorry for several days longer than they were expecting to.

However, as soon as they got to Almeria they brought all the stuff we wanted to the villa. We had no breakages, nothing missing and if the french hadn't got involved I'm fairly sure they would have been here when we had expected them.

Well done guys, a job well done.

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