The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Monday 23 June 2008

Festival of San Juan - 23rd June

When we got down to the centre of San Juan at 11.30pm there were more people on the streets and in the bars than we have seen on the busiest Sunday so far. We aprked up and walked towards the beach along with hundreds of others all heading in the same direction, Most had bags with picnics in and all were in a good mood. There were all ages from kiddies in pushchairs to elderly couples sat along the promenade taking in the atmosphere.

At the start of the beach was a disco unit with flashing lights and a massive crowd around it. Most of the crowd were up dancing and we could see a few bonfires between the different groups.

As we walked along the promenade to the main beach we could see dozens and dozens of small bonfires. When we had driven past the beach at 9ish there had been no signs of any bonfires so it's obviously bring your own picnic and bonfire.

Unfortunately my camera and I struggled to get really clear photos but hopefully the 2 above will give you a flavour of the night.

At precisely midnight, there was a short firework display from the disco to signify it was time to start jumping over bonfires and running into the sea.

I have to say we didn't see anyone doing either, but that's not to say that among the crowds there weren't some that were following the age old traditions in the hope of getting rid of a bad year and wishing in a good one.

Some of them will be partying all night, others were heading for home along with us.

The Spanish certainly throw a good celebration, I wonder when the next one is?

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