The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday 16 September 2009

Hotel Caracol

I love the quirks of nature. I love that I have time to appreciate them.
On my early morning walks with the dogs on the Campo I pass lots of shrubs and scrub that probably have a host of creatures I cannot see and wouldn't want to know were there: spiders, lizards, scorpions,snakes (remind me again why I wear sandals on my walks and not great, big stompy boots?).
But there are 2 dead shrubs that, overnight, play host to an army of snails. If you look closely at the photo you can see several clinging to the branches - just like a snail hotel (caracol is spanish for snail - education element of post over). As far as I can see they only use the dead shrubs, none of the ones with leaves have any to be seen - obviously too much of an obstacle course. Some of them are 3 or 4 feet off the ground, that's a fair climb for little snails.
When I walk the dogs later in the afternoon there a none of the snails still in the shrubs, so I wonder what time do they check-out? how do they get down? do they climb or do they drop? and are they the same snails that come back each night?
Oh the joy of the countryside, the joy of time to dwell, the joy of nature.
Now, I must give more thought to getting some stompy boots!

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