The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Friday 18 September 2009

Bugs and stuff.

Wednesday night saw the first deluge of the autumn, and it seems to have triggered a plethora of bugs. We still have the usual wasps and flies but this morning as I was walking back into the house the bug above was perched at the side of the door - I thought he was quite sweet - about an inch in length and quite docil - and then all of a sudden, it suddenly vanished.

The one below was flying about infront of the window as I was sat at my laptop earlier. It typified the term 'bumbing along' and crash landed onto the rejas, ended on it's back and struggled to turn over without falling off it's chosen landing perch. It then marched back and forth along the reja like a sentry on duty. It was reddish brown in colour and had a long snout. It was about an inch & half in length and I've no idea what happened to it - again, when my back was turned - it vanished. But I doubt it was a text book take-off if the landing was anything to go by.

(Reja's are the security bars we have at the windows)

I'm glad I've got my stompy boots!

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