The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Sunday 31 May 2009

It's a small world

While we were watching the football, I was aware that a group of people were hovering behind Neil, waiting for the table next to us to become free. We were still waiting for our meals. Elizabeth, our new friend was over half an hour late and so we assumed she had changed her mind, I knew it was her husbands birthday and they had been having a nice lunch as he was going to be away working for a couple of days, he's a long distance lorry driver.

Anyway, the couple next to us paid their bill and as they began to move this other group moved in. There were 4 of them but only 2 chairs and so they asked us if the chair we had was free and that started the conversation, Neil recognised their accents as being Yorkshire accents, similar to his. One was from Dewsbury, not far from Neil's home town of Featherstone - and so conversations continued.

It turns out the others were from Sheffield, 'so am I' I said, 'where abouts?' I continued - 'Nether Edge' came the reply - 'oh, the oppostite side of town to me then' I replied, 'I'm from Aston'. 'So am I' said one of the lads - small world?!!

It gets smaller.

After a chat about our local schools, and identifying that I left secondary school the same year he started so there was no way we could have known each other, one of the girls asked where I used to work. I told them Blundells, knowing that if they were from Sheffield they would know the company, but I never expected the next comment.....

'You know Anna who works at Blundells, don't you? She's just had a baby. She told us about you moving here, I used to share a flat with her!'

Definintely a small world!

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