The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Monday 11 May 2009

Doting Parents, of the Tweeting kind!

Yesterday we were laying in the Hot Tub, enjoying the sun and listening to the chicks twittering for their parents to feed them when we spotted mum with some sort of insect in her mouth. She was obviously nervous of us and flew about from the roof, to the wall, onto the slats across the drive and back to the roof.

The dad arrived, and he was a bit braver. He hopped about a few times and then went into the end of the pipe, the chicks went quite, and a few moments later he re-appeared at the edge of the pipe, took a quick look around and he was off again.

Mom stayed nervous all the time we were in the Hot Tun and although she never flew away, she didn't go into the pipe while we were there. She stayed close, with the food in her mouth and waited for us to go. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera handy as I would have loved to get some photos of them, but we've all seen the nature programs so you know what we were watching.

It was a lovely glimpse into the world of nature and I hope the chicks get a good chance of surviving by having a safe nest site for their first few weeks.

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