The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Thursday 21 May 2009

The postman knocks twice!

Or in our case the post lady rang once!

The guy in the post office had obviously passed on the message correctly and this morning, Victoria, our 'cartera' called at the villa with not only the post addressed here but also a pack of re-directed post. Unfortunately I was out at my Thursday morning Ladies Club and Neil doesn't speak Spanish (other than to order coffee or beer and to get the bill) so he didn't get the full message but he did get that she had realised we had moved out of the last villa and he thought the mail was in a bag somewhere.

So, we loaded the dogs into the car and headed back to Pulpí. It's only a 15 minute drive so we decided we would go back to the office for when Victoria got back from her rounds in Terreros. I spoke to the same guy I spoke with on our last trip and he looked through some containers in the back but there wasn't anything of ours. So, we said we would walk the dogs, have a coffee and come back after 2.00pm so I could talk with Victoria.

We found a little café bar in a square quite close where we could sit in the shade and wait over a coffee, fanta and water for the pups.

Just after 2pm we went back to the post office and Victoria was back, so I had a conversation with her and finally gleemed that she had realised after a few weeks that we were no longer living at the old villa, so, not realising we had only moved to the next street and still had a key for the post box - and to be fair to her, why would she? - she had been sending our re-directed post back marked 'returned'!

Now she knew where we were she could start to deliver our redirected post again! Now, how was I to know we have postmen in Spain that think for themselves!!!!

So now we know what's happened, the bits we know have been returned we can chase up from the sender - and maybe - just maybe, any junk mail will now cease.

The post lady says what we should have done is to stick a note on the post box at the villa to say where we had moved to and she would have brought the post around! Now, I'm sure our postmen in the UK aren't allowed to do this sort of thing - I had difficulty getting them to give the post to me if I was outside my own gate without proving in triplicate that I really did, definitely live there!

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