The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday 14 April 2010

A weekly update

It always surprises me how quickly a week can pass when we don't actually seem to do much.

The sun has gone for now and we are living in a perpetual cloud. Damp and grey and not nice to work outside so the fence is not progressing much. Last night we lost satellite reception for the phone and internet until sometime in the early hours this morning so, the feeling of isolation was total. The clouds filled the valleys all around us and our only sense there were others out there were the distant barks of the dogs on the far hills, calling out to see if others were around. Even the birds and the frogs were quiet. Today is a little better, at least we can see 2 or 3 hills down the valley and the internet and phone are back.

But when we cannot work outside we can get on with inside jobs. I am now the proud owner of IKEA bookcases along one wall of the study and all the books, CD's and DVD's are finally out of the boxes they were packed in almost 2 years ago. This was triggered by the arrival of the Pratchett books from the UK. 56 in total, although there were several duplicates. I had to have somewhere to display these properly so it prompted a trip up to IKEA in Murcia.

Having built the bookcases and put them in place my first task was to sort all the Pratchetts into order - so that when I start to read them I don't skip any. That then led me on to arranging all my paperbacks into alphabetical order. I never know whether it is better to sort them by size or by author but the logical side of my brain says by author as that way, when I am looking for something I can find it easily. Plus, sometimes I like the random pattern this makes.

For the first time in many years I have room for all the old photo albums and it wasn't surprising that a task that should take about an hour ran into a couple of days because it was impossible for me not to start flicking through the old photos. Over the last few years all my photos have been downloaded on to the computer and not printed out and I do think in years to come I am going to miss sitting down among the albums and looking back at these recent years.

Maybe I should put an annual album together, just as a keepsake!


Travel & Dive Girl said...

Ahhh, I miss photo albums. I remember as a kid sitting for hours at my grandparents house and looking through all of their photo albums. I miss those days.

Spanish Owner said...

There's something about looking through albums of photographs especially old ones, I have hundreds not in albums too. I've many on the pc but when we had these viruses it just made me feel vulnerable. We have books in bookcases by authors as Chris loves Tom Clancy, John Grisham & Wilber Smith to name three plus auto biographies. I have many cookery books though I don't cook!! (Photos look good!)

Good to see you haven't been sitting around!! Not like me, I'm feeling a bit washed out so stayed on the sofa once I dragged myself out of bed.

We've had a neighbour taking our oven apart to see WHY switching the oven or grill keeps tripping the circuit breaker (he felt a wire may have come adrift but couldn't get to the bit he wanted) THEN a guy he knows came out to take a look but he couldn't see what was wrong except maybe it needs a new element. He actually fits appliances & says repairing them isn't what he tends to do. He told us to contact a guy called Stewart as he works repairing cookers, washing machines, fridges etc daily. Actually, we HAD contacted Stewart, having had him before to our washing machine, but he can't come till tomorrow afternoon. No wonder I feel washed out. As the hob works we have had scrambled eggs on toast for our meal. (Thankfully we DO have a toaster).