The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Thursday 29 April 2010

A trip to the cinema.

There are only a few things I miss now we live in the wilds of Spain, but I have to admit, when I see some of the adverts for new films being released, I do get a twinge of sadness that I can not go to the cinema here and understand a film.

Well, that has been remedied. We have joined a new film club that has started on the Rambla de Oria, which is about 45 minutes away from us. Last week we went to watch Sherlock Holmes and tomorrow night we are going to see Avatar.

Obviously the films are being shown as they are released on DVD, and we could buy them ourselves and watch them at home but it was a really great night out and only €2 each.

We knew roughly where the Rambla was as we had been to see a few houses there ourselves, when we were house hunting. Our instructions were to look for a house with a cream boulder next to a green bin, then turn right up the track to a large cortijo on the hill with a huge, tall pine tree at one corner. This is how it has to be when there are no road names (because there are no roads) and houses dotted about the hills. At least we have the benefit of a km marker on the tarmac road to work from.

They have converted a windowless room in their house into a bar area and have put in a large screen and good sound system. The room has a lovely wood fire in one corner and can hold about 20 people, so it's a really good sociable place.

We had a comfort break halfway through the film which gave us a chance to chat with some of the others there and it was a really good night, helped by the fact the Neil and I really enjoyed the film.

So, tomorrow we finally get to see Avatar on a large screen and with full sound effects, but not in 3D.

And I can have a glass of red wine while I'm watching it - can't be bad!


Spanish Owner said...

Sounds like a fun evening, glad you're enjoying life there, finding new & unusual things to do.

Travel & Dive Girl said...

I haven't watched Avatar yet. I'm not sure I will - I have something against James Cameron and I can't explain it. Hope you have a great time.