The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Monday 1 February 2010

Will our kitchen ever be complete?

I love the kitchen we have chosen, I love the handles.

It took us a long time to find the kitchen with the right look, and eventually we did - in Brico Depot in Almeria. This is a flat pack kitchen you fit yourself but it was exactly what I wanted so we were prepared for the hard work.

In October we got half the cabinets and a few of the doors. We had to order the rest.

In November we got the remaining cabinets and half of the remaining doors

And finally, on Saturday we were able to collect the last 8 doors we needed to complete our kitchen. 7 doors went on beatifully but the last door let us down. Right door - wrong handle!

Now, it's over an hour drive each way to the store so this morning I rang them in the hope they would post the right handle out to us and I could post this one back to them, but no, we have to go to the store to exchange them. So, it looks like we have another trip tonight as I don't want to leave it too long and find they've sold out of the doors and we have another month to wait, although Neil has said if necessary he'll take a screwdriver with him and take a handle off the display kitchen.

So, in the meantime our kitchen looks really good ...........

...........except for this temporary 'handle'.

Hey, ho!


Twinkle said...

Wow, the kitchen is looking really great now and the style suits the property to a T.
I agree, it is sooooo annoying when you order stuff and then something like a missing part jams up the schedule.
Does Neil really think they will let him take the handle off a display door? I'm chuckling. I hope they do.
p.s. how are the pups what's it's, no chilblains I hope. When I saw the pic. of Andys Rub i thought............... ;)
Best Wishes............

Brindy said...

Hi Twinkle, I'm not sure that Neil planned to ask permission, I think he was planning to just do it!

The pups whatsit's are fine, thanks - the rub is fairly strong stuff, not sure they'd be too happy if I used it on them!

Anonymous said...

we are all waiting to know if you managed to successfully get your one missing door handle!
Kitchen looks lovely by the way, a credit to you both.

Brindy said...

Hi Anon, we certainly did get our handle, I saw your comment just after I had posted an update. We are very happy with the final look of our kitchen - it just seems really odd having to open doors to get things out now!