The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Saturday 9 January 2010

Fresh stuff.

I always love shopping for fresh stuff. This morning we wanted a variety of fruit for some desserts we are doing (well, Neil is doing) for later this week when we have friends coming over for dinner. We use a small shop, again - it's someone's front lounge which they have converted into a shop on a normal residential street - and the stuff she sells there is fabulous and so cheap. We decided we would splash out on some strawberries which are not cheap at this time of year but smell and taste delicious - but they are €5 a kilo (that's a lot of strawberries and we only needed 1/4 kilo).
When I tipped it all out ready to put away, it looked so colourful I couldn't help but take a photo. The stuff that looks like spring onions is actually wild garlic, a very strong flavour and really pungent smell, we have to double bag it before storing in the fridge or every time we open the fridge door we're nearly knocked off our feet, but it's fabulous for cooking in stews and stuff.
Something we are still experimenting with are the chillis we buy here, Neil hasn't been able to find any hot enough for him and this morning, a lady in the shop suggested we would probably need to grow our own, so that's something else to plan into the vegetable garden next year!

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