The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Sunday 27 December 2009

A new waterfall.

The past few days has seen a torrential amount of rain, mainly overnight but not always, and hurricane strength winds. At times I have had to force the pups outside to do the necessary, which they have reluctantly done only on the promise of a warm, fluffy towel awaiting their return and some chocolate buttons (doggy chocs of course).

Today the weather has changed completely and we once again have clear, blue skies, warm sunshine and no wind. As I walked down towards the almonds with the pups this morning I heard a new noise. Normally, it is so peaceful that the only sounds that break the silence are the birds and the dogs in the distance, barking their 'Hello's' to Brandy & Brinkley who are always happy to reply.

But this morning as I walked away from the house and down the track to the almonds I could hear running water - babbling brook style running water. I looked down into the bottom of the rambla, which is some 50 feet below and could just make out a section of rocks which has a fall of about 4 feet over which was running enough water to make the sound effects I had heard. The rambla is there to take the excess rain water and melting snow away but this is the first time I have seen it in action. Over the next few months I am sure we will see it flooded and running free but for now we have the sounds of a new waterfall to enjoy as we take our walks with the dogs - I doubt it will be long before it has dried up for now.

I love the nature of this area, every day brings new surprises and it wonderful to have time to enjoy them.

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