The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday 16 December 2009

How frustrated am I?

Yesterday we finally received the long awaited call from the internet installer, they would be at the house this morning. Finally, we were to be connected to the outside world.

They were due at 11am and I was duly sat by the roadside by half past 10 incase they were early, as I knew they were travelling down from Murcia. Within a minute of parking the car my mobile phone rang and it was the installer asking for directions. I explained where to drive and 15 minutes later they arrived at Km 8. Surely, my next blog entry would be sent from the comfort of my own home.

But No!

The dish is on the roof, the cable is through the wall. They had my laptop on the roof while they started the set up process.

And then all progress seemed to stop.

Half an hour later they brought my laptop back telling me it was now raining so they couldn’t do anymore today and would be back another day, they will call me!

Oh, the frustration. It should have been all sorted today and now I have to wait – again.

I do have a sneaky feeling that they couldn’t actually finish it because I did overhear a conversation between them which suggested that something that should be in the back of the van couldn’t be found!

So, I’m off to the roadside yet again.


Linda Lou and Senor, Too said...

how well do i know this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!hang in there!

Spanish Owner said...

You won't know yourself when you're FINALLY on 24/7 internet, Jacqui.