The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday 5 August 2009

How to make a trip to the dentist - fun!

Now this post will surprise a few people who know how much a dislike going to the dentist but - this morning I had to go for a filling. Lucy had asked if I would get her an appointment as well as she hadn't been to see a dentist for a couple of years.

So, of we toddled this morning like a couple of kids on a day out. When we got to the dentist they called us both into the consulting room together - what?

So, we carried on chatting until the dentist came in when Lucy sat in the big chair for her check up and I sat on the little chair by the door. Neither of us could quite believe that they were happy for us both to be in there at the same time. But it made it so relaxed. We could continue to chat inbetween treatment and when we left, it didn't feel like a trip to the dentist at all. Well, not for me at least. My filling didn't need an injection so I could skip down the steps to the square for a coffee without any problems. Lucy wasn't as lucky. She needed a filling, which needed an injection - so today we learnt the Spanish word for straw - pajita!

Needless to say future trips to the dentist will involve a friend - what a new sharing experience for us.


Spanish Owner said...

I have to go 27th, will you come with me ?

Brindy said...

Sorry, no can do - I have a party to go to that evening. But I can recommend 'take a friend'!