The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Tuesday 4 August 2009


This was how I first saw Bougainvillea, on a Greek Island (I think it was Crete, but I've been to many - so could be any). The flower typified summer holidays, clear blue skies and lots and lots of sun. 20 years ago I always dreamed of living somewhere that I could grow this beautiful, vibrant flower. Sheffield was never going to right.

Strange how those dreams become reality, and the reality doesn't always live up to the dream. Now, don't get me wrong - we love living in Spain, we love the clear blue skies and the everyday sunshine.

No, the reality check is all to do with the Bougainvillea!

It grows like wildfire, it has thorns the size of darning needles and it makes a real mess when the flowers fall because there are so many of them bloom at the same time and therefore, fall off at the same time. If the wind blows, they all fall off anyway!

It is very resilient. It doesn't need watering, the humidity in the air each morning seems to release enough moiture for it. The more you hack it back, sorry, prune it - the better it grows and the fuller the flowers - but it is a lot of work.

But who can deny the beauty of the flowers in full bloom against a white wall with the sunshine & blue skies around them - worth the effort?

In my opinion - a resounding YES!
(These photos are from our garden today)

1 comment:

Spanish Owner said...

Certainly stunning. I've been to Crete, Corfu, Cyprus, Turkey etc & you're so right.

Our friends along the road to us in Spain have it across their pergola trained up & across & sometimes, if they've not been for a couple of months, they can hardly get past it. The dropped flowers blow EVERYWHERE !