The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Monday 26 January 2009

Let's Party - Burn's Night Part 3

By 8pm the Haggis was cooked, the guests were present and we were ready to party. There had been a slight panic with the Haggis as the skin had split towards the end of cooking. Fortunately, we had been checking it very frequently and so it was spotted almost as soon as it had happened and we were able to make sure that the water didn't get into the meat.

We paraded the Haggis in to slow handclapping, as is tradition and Paul kindly read the address to the Haggis during which it is his role to slice it open ready for serving. We had given him a large, very sharp knife and I was a little concerned how fierce he looked with a large knife in his hand!

Supper was a great success and soon it was my role to raise a toast to the immortal memory of Robert Burns. I checked everyone had a glass ready and read my bit of 'history of Robbie Burns' I had researched on the internet earlier that afternoon and don't worry, I'm not going to give you all a rendition - so much info is available on t'internet - you don't need me to tell you anything other than this year is the 250th celebration of the birth of Robert Burns and so there were a lot of events to celebrate Burn's night worldwide over the weekend.

Once everyone had finished eating the whisky's came out for a tasting session. Now, I dislike whisky so I was on my favourite cocktail - Champagne, Orange Juice & Cointreau and soon all the ladies were joining me and leaving the men to the whisky's.

Then it was time for a bit of scottish dancing:

And of course Paul & Neil couldn't help but demonstrate the Gay Gordons:
And after a lot of drinking, singing, dancing and general party chatter everyone weaved their way home about 1am.

And in the morning we had fried Clouty with a poached egg - yummy!

Our very 1st Burn's Night celebration!

1 comment: said...

Great party! I also hope to retire in Almeria soon too!

Saludos from Barcelona