The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Tuesday 13 January 2009

Back to New Year's Eve and the Salty Sea Dog Inn.

Well, shiver me timbers and sharpen me sword!

After a voyage filled with pillaging and plundering, the Jaded Jewel-
-a pirate ship captained by Redbeard, an old but dangerous pirate-

-is docked in a cove near Port Royal. As the pirates head into town to celebrate their homecoming and spend their gold and goods, a night of turmoil and trouble is sure to transpire.

As the night quickly steers out of control, one guest meets a tragic demise and ends up in Davy Jones' Locker leaving the rest of the party goers to bring the guilty to the gallows.
Is the culprit the profiteering pirate organizing a mutiny? Or, the saucy sea mistress who wanted more than a casual commitment? The perpetrator could be the swashbuckling swordsman desperate to win the love of the governor's daughter, or possibly the treasure seeking seaperson incapable of sharing.

In a harbor village filled with backstabbers and buccaneers looking to get ahead, there is little reward for honesty and a high price to pay for deceit.

And so the scene was set. In attendance were:

Cap’n Redbeard—Pirate Captain. A fierce but fair pirate, this man runs a tight ship and won’t have anyone overthrowing it! A boisterous and commanding man.

Merciless Morgan—First mate. Found alone on an island, Redbeard took Morgan in and he quickly became one of the Cap’n’s favorites. Slimy and deceitful. He is always looking out for his own best interest.

One-eyed Wanda—Gunner. Raised as a boy on the pirate ship, Wanda was passed over by Merciless Morgan when it came to promotion. Wanda has a lot to prove if she is to earn her rightful place. Abrasive and boastful. She is capable and willing to fit in as “one of the guys”.

Thumbless Jacky—Crew member. A seasoned pirate, Thumbless Jacky has only been on the crew of The Jaded Jewel for a short while. A salty seaperson. Jacky has seen a lot in her days of pirating, including the loss of both of their thumbs.

Gurglin’ Uma Scarr—Galley wench. As a permanent underling on the ship, Uma has observed more than most. Often overlooked, Uma is a much more valuable asset than her title might suggest! Appears as a follower, but has a few secrets up her sleeve.

Governor Napier—Governor of Port Royal. As the governor of this seaside village, it is his job to keep it safe at all costs! He is reserved and aristocratic, yet he will resort to any means to accomplish his goals.

Breathless Betty Napier—Governor’s daughter. This faithful and dutiful daughter will do anything to help her father’s career advance. But is she willing to do it for the cost of her own happiness? Rebellious and out-of-control, Betty will do anything to get what she wants, including her independence.

Commodore Clearing—Commodore. In charge of the fleet that defends Port Royal, the commodore may lose his job and his arranged marriage if he can’t bring a pirate to justice. Sneaky and deceitful. The commodore will betray whomever in order to advance himself.

Mad Rose—Serving wench. A real spitfire, Rose will make anyone who crosses her regret their actions. Cunning and jaded, Mad Rose will hold a grudge for a very long time.

Sealegs Sam—Merchant sailor. A lowly merchant sailor, Sam wants nothing more than to be married to his true love, Breathless Betty. Cunning, clever and secretive. Sam is very in love with Betty.

Dirty Wiggins—Gallows master. For many, justice in this seaside town means the gallows and Dirty is often the one responsible for putting the guilty there.
And here they all are:

Well, the evening got off to a great start - Carribean Cocktails - Champagne, Cointreau and Fresh Orange Juice. And then as the evening unfolded everyone had tasks to complete, people to corrupt and bribe and plots to hatch and thicken.

It wasn't long before everyone was well into their character and having fun:

Suddenly, it all went pitch black - all the lights went out at once - and when we finally got them all back on.........

There'd bin a Murrrderrr!

There was nothing else to be done but .......

............... to outline the body and.........

.... tuck in!

Will anyone be caught for this evil act? Check-in later!

(And I promise - we did feed the corpse)

1 comment:

Spanish Owner said...

Wow, didn't YOU have a whale of a time ?