The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday 27 August 2008

My Kumquats are turning yellow!

Now that's a phrase I never thought I'd be typing.

Back in June the Terreros Ladies Group bought me a Kumquat tree for my birthday. Now, they weren't to know that me and horticulture don't exactly go hand in hand, that when I buy cut flowers and put them in a vase the only time they get water is when I first put them in or that growing plants in the garden involves coming into close contact with soil which may hide any one of a multitude of insects not to mention the number of livestock that will move in amongst the leaves, fruit and flowers of any plant left in my possession.

This tree is in a pot so that it can be moved and planted when we move into our own home later on, so I now have a serious watering issue. We live in the hottest climate I've ever lived in where things dry out in an hour and I am now responsible for ensuring this tree has adequate water at all times to nurture and grow flowers and fruit which, when ripened (always assuming we'll get that far) will be ideal for making marmalade (and cooking ranks about level with my skills in horticulture - still, you should learn new tasks once you have retired and have the time - shouldn't you?).

So, several weeks on and the tree is surviving well, the little bees have pollenated the flowers so that we have a couple of dozen fruits growing and so far the birds haven't realised the fruit is there for the taking.

Today I noticed a couple of the fruits, having grown to be slightly larger than a pound coin, are starting to turn yellow rather than green. I felt so proud of them, like a mother duck watching her ducklings take to water the first time! I know the ultimate aim is for them to turn orange, but just seeing them start to change colour to anything is an achievement for me. I feel like a true gardener


anyone got a recipe for Kumquat Jam?

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