The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Monday 28 April 2008

Goodbye & Good Luck Party

I write this blog in word first and copy it across, so every time I open the document up it is at the first entry and today, I have re-read that first entry. I can’t believe it’s 15 months since we started to talk about the idea of retiring early and moving to Spain. We’ve certainly achieved a lot and learnt so much and yet, it seems to have passed so quickly. This weekend saw us in the final stages, it was our farewell party on Saturday and we had about 50 of our friends and family together, some of them we will see again before we go, but some we won't. As I looked around the room there were close family, dear friends, work colleagues old and new, and friends we have made through our golf. Some were recent friendships, others go back many years and it was wonderful to see them all together for one last party.

One of my dearest friends, who lives over 2 hours drive away, stayed for the weekend and when we last saw each other in February we thought that would be the last time before we moved, so to have another weekend together to go shopping, to have a drink and to have a late night chat about anything and everything has been a real bonus, but she has left to go home this morning and that really will be the last time I see her this year.

No-one should under estimate how important family and friends are and moving abroad means that, for some, this will probably be the last time I see them. Keeping in touch by phone and e-mail is going to be so important.

Over the next 2 weeks there are going to be a lot of ‘last times’ and there are many that I am going to find incredibly difficult and emotional but it’s not something that can be avoided, so better make sure there are lots of tissues to hand.

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