The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Friday 18 April 2008

Checking out our Old Age Pension:

Although we are effectively going to Spain as very early retirees, there are a number of years before we can start to receive our State Pension and now is the time to make sure we have paid enough NI contributions so that we get our full basic pension. New rules mean you qualify for the full basic state pension once you have 30 qualifying years of payment.

I was fairly sure this last tax year was my 30th year, as I have worked right from leaving college without a break, but I telephoned the Pension Service helpline on 0845 300 168 to make sure. I was therefore totally surprised to find out I actually have 33 qualifying years – from 1974, but hang on, I didn’t start working until 1977, never had a Saturday job whilst at school, so how can that be? Well, it turns out that because I stayed on to do ‘A’ levels at school and then did a full year at college I get credited for those 3 years, so all I have to do is keep the Revenue office up to date with my address and I will start to get my state pension when I reach the great age of 65.

Of course, not paying NI contributions from now on will mean any entitlement to other benefits will be affected but as I’ve never claimed any, I can’t see that as a problem.

Just need to get Neil’s qualifying years confirmed and that’s another item off the check list, of course they won’t tell me, he has to ring them personally.

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