The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Monday 16 March 2009

It's arrived at last.

Perseverence has paid off - I have finally got my parcel, well I say mine - it's for both Neil and me, a years supply of cheap golf balls for us to lose at Aguilón Golf Course over the next few months. We are definitely losing a lot less than we used to but we were scraping the barrel with some of the 'lake and ravine' recovered balls we were buying from the groundsmen and they were no cheaper than the ones I have bought from the internet and we are now back to playing with Calloways & Titleist even if some of them have been refinished.

The delivery man arrived about 1.35pm, I think I may have been the last delivery before his siesta but at least he came today as arranged.

Hang on a minute!!!!

There is a DHL van pulling up infront of the house - could this be my recent order from the UK arriving on the same day? - like London buses - nothing for ages and then 2 at once.

Be back in a moment.

Yes, my other outstanding delivery. Now this is how it normally works, a week from ordering I usually take delivery which I think is pretty good for UK to Spain. This time it is a griddle pan and press.

We watch a program called Come Dine With Me and on one of the programs Neil spotted one of the contestants cooking a steak in a griddle pan with a cast iron lid that does the top at the same time as cooking the bottom. Well, of course, he wanted one. So I decided to do what I do best and 'Google' it. But, as always with Google - you have to know what to put in to your search to find what you are looking for. And we didn't know what they were called, so I tried everything and eventually was directed to a blog which deals with cooking that mentioned the word 'press'. That was all I needed, I could now find them on the internet and get one on order. I found one on an Ebay store called 'Storage and Home Solutions'. I asked them if they could ship to Spain and they said they could for a small additional fee to cover delivery and so I placed the order with them through Ebay (Buy It Now!)

It's actually called a Grill pan and Panini Press, and the lid is a cast iron heavy plate that you heat up in the empty pan and then you put it on top of whatever you are cooking and it cooks the top while the bottom is cooking. It's also good for stopping meats, such as Gammon, from curling while you cook it.

So, a good day all round. We'll put the earlier delivery delays down to experience and see the positive in that it has given me a number of opportunities to practice my spanish. And now I'm off to buy some steak to try out our new pan!

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