The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

It's taken 18 months but finally.......

It is well accepted in the UK that there is a shortage of places with NHS dentists. By moving abroad we were no longer registered with our old dentist and phoning around various surgeries on our return resulted in a complete lack of any NHS places being available. 

And so, for 18 months, any treatment we've had has been paid for on a private basis. Not cheap but necessary.

On my last visit to have a broken tooth sorted I noticed the surgery we have been using has a notice up advertising that they were taking on NHS patients from this month. 

So, finally, after 18 months, we have now manage to register as NHS patients and will now receive some funding towards our treatment. I think that's the last thing to sort since we moved back last summer. We are now totally back as UK residents, paying all our bills and taxes in one country.

Finally, I can close the folder and file it away.

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