The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Why can't dogs tell the time?

And no, it's not the start of a joke, although it should be, it's a serious question.

I suppose it should read - Why can't dogs tell the time - discuss!

Just recently, Brandy has started to wake me at 2am, he goes out for a wee, has a drink and then wants to play. He's wide awake and bright as a button.

At 2am!

His brother stays firmly asleep, he loves his bed but Brandy seems to have developed a night time wanderlust.

And once he wakens me I find it very difficult to fall asleep again and so I find myself pottering around the house, tidying & dusting.

Neil is rarely aware that I have been up and I'm sure he thinks we have moved into a house that has cleaning elves that come in at night and make the place all neat & tidy for the morning. Anything left out of place at night is miraculously in it's proper place by morning.

I do wonder whether I should tell him the truth or let him continue to believe we have nightly visitors.

Ah well, it's now 3am - time to chase Brandy back to bed!


Spanish Owner said...

I guess that's the problem you have letting dogs sleep with you. They can disturb you. Perhaps you should remove Brandy's water bowl from 6pm like when you're trying to stop kids bedwetting. If he's needing a wee that he didn't need previously maybe he could do with the vet checking him over. Failing all else tie a duster to his tail & let him wag it around rooms. You need your sleep now you're back at work &, oh yes, getting older!

Brindy said...

Thanks for reminding me I'm getting older. This is just a phase, he does this from time to time to test the boundaries. It depends on what mood I'm in as to whether I get up with him or make him stay in bed.

Sometimes it's nice to have some quiet time with him, it doesn't happen very often during the day.

Travel & Dive Girl said...

Oh my goodness - that's just like having a baby...

We used to have to keep our dog up after supper to make sure, he slept through the night.

LOL - at least you're keeping busy:)

Brindy said...

The problem is we're too tired after dinner to keep the dogs awake - and so the dogs tend to sleep while we watch tv.