The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Fun and Games

The company I have been temping at had asked me back to do some holiday cover. It's a completely new accounting system to me, I am well versed in Sage, this is Coda. I'd never even heard of Coda before I started here. I've spent 20 years working in the property sector, this company is in logisitics - lorries and stuff.

And so it was decided I would have 2 weeks training before covering the work myself - plenty of time to pick up all the necessary routines to process the weekly accounts info......

..... except nothing ever goes to plan, does it?

The first week I should have been training I was taken back to do more work on the Year End in preparation for the audit, so I missed seeing any of the weekly processes which take place Mon-Wed.

On Thursday!!!! I had a few hours being shown what to do, making copious amounts of notes of which spreadsheet to use and how to upload info to the system, but not actually able to actually do any of it because it had all been done for the week.

Not to worry, we had Mon & Tues of this week for me to actually do the routines before the guy I'm covering for finished for 2 weeks and I'm on my own.

So, Monday morning I arrive at work bright and early, all set for an intense couple of days training when......

....... the said guy is a no-show! And no-one has heard from him. By 10am it is obvious he isn't coming in although no-one knows why?

Once again I am side-tracked onto Year End work while people decide what to do.

Tuesday morning, and still no sign of the chap that should be training me and now the weekly work is getting seriously urgent. I'm told he has a cold!

And I am asked the question I had been expecting............'Do you think you can do it from your notes?'

'Errrrrr....well, I can give it a go.'

And so that is how I spent my Tuesday. I have had good support from the people around me and I have managed to process the main items but whether or not the figures will look as they should when everything is run tonight, who knows.

All I can say is 'I did my best'.

Temping can certainly be a challenge!


Travel & Dive Girl said...

If they don't hire you full time, I'd be surprised. You have proven yourself to be a star!

Spanish Owner said...

But did you get paid?

Brindy said...

I know the others that work there would like to see me stay - they have invited me to their Christmas party!

It's been a tough week, massive learning curve - but everything seem to have gone ok. Job done. I have a couple of days off and back on Monday to do it all again.

And yes, I'm getting paid - no worries there.

Spanish Owner said...

Christmas party eh? Yep, you're well in then, Jacqui. Enjoy your time off.

Cooler here today, 25C currently & cloudy. Chat soon.