The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Sunday 18 July 2010

Can you relocate back to where you relocated from?

This was a question my brother asked me a few weeks ago when I told him we had moved back to the UK.

Ok. While you absorb that sentence I’ll check the dictionary definition of ‘relocate’.

Relocate – to establish oneself in a new place.

Ok, so on that basis – no, you can’t relocate back as it’s not a ‘new’ place.

So, instead we will just have to say that we have returned.

Having got their head around that statement, most people’s next question – surprisingly – was not ‘why?’ – but – ‘what are you going to do about your blog?’

Well, I don’t quite know what to do about my blog. I am not in Spain anymore so cannot write about life there, but I have been living there and now have to integrate back into life in the UK and in that , there are still experiences to tell, so maybe I should carry on writing about my daily happenings.

In the meantime we are all well and settled in our new home, me, Neil & and the pups. We have been back a couple of weeks and have had time to adjust to being back. The move went remarkable smoothly and, although we were travelling for 4 days and in hotels for 5 nights, the dogs were unbelievably well behaved. They were absolute stars.

And so to the question, why are we back?

Because, I wanted to come back.

And I am incredibly fortunate to have a husband who was happy to come back too, even though he was very settled in Spain and enjoyed life out there, he told me it is important that I am happy and after all, he can play golf anywhere.

And so we are back to normality. My time in Spain has felt like I had opted out of normal life, as if I was living in a bubble, away from the day to day hullabaloo that is life. Maybe I am just a classic case of ‘You can take the girl out of the city but you cannot take the city out of the girl’ who knows.

What I do know is, I am very happy to be back.


mick28 said...

Hi sorry to hear your moved back to UK . Followed your blog on and off when you moved to Velez Rubio as we have brought property there and are at present having it renovated while still in UK, but hope to be there soon.

Your blog was very interesting and gave us some ideas on what we will come across when we finally make the move.

All the best to you both.

susysu said...


I have really enjoyed reading your blog but i'm a bit confused. did we know you were coming back to the uk, did i miss something, i was so suprised to read about it.
what are you doing with your home, as you only recently bought it didnt you? are you keeping it and using as a holiday home?
best of luck to you all

Spanish Owner said...

At the end of the day we ALL need to be content, Jacqui. Your Neil loves you so, like my husband, he did what was right.
I don't want to relocate to Spain totally & yet my husband does so we compromise & spend 7 months in the UK, 5 months in Spain over the year.
You have a following, your blog must continue as there will always be great things to tell. Don't even think of not writing it PLEASE!

Twinkle said...

You now have a holiday home in Spain and can spend time between Sheffield and Velez-Rubio,but PLEEAAASE!! don't stop your blog Jacqui.
We still want to hear of your experiences and of course the adventures of B & B.

Travel & Dive Girl said...

As long as you are happy - that's all that matters. Keep on writing, we enjoy hearing about your life - regardless of where you are.

Spanish Owner said...

Jacqui, it's about time Brinkley wrote a few words & posted some photos. We have SO missed his daft way of writing! :-) He MUST have a few tails, sorry .. tales ... to tell.

Linda Lou and Senor, Too said...

wow, i am surprised! it happened very quickly and yes, i am wondering what will become of your house/ HOWEVER, I am so happy for you that you are feeling good about it and know that it has been the right decision. NOW I can hardly wait to hear about what will be your new life. Please stay in touch and start posting about this new adventure! LL

Brindy said...

Firstly, my thanks for all the messages of good wishes we have received both on here and by e-mail.

To Mick 28: I'm glad I have been able to give you a glimpse into life in Rubio. What I did find was that there were a lot more English people there than I first realised but they are harder to find because they are all dotted among the hills. The English shop on the Poligono is a great central point though.

To Susysu: No, you didn't miss anything, I had not written about our plans to come back mainly because until my quick trip in May I didn't know we were comiing back and once I got back to Spain I was so busy organising it, I didn't have time to write about it.

To Spanishowner: It is important to be content in life and to fond what works for you as a family. I personally couldn't be back and forth like you are all year, but I know it works for you.

To Twinkle: We haven't kept the house in Velez-Rubio as I want to visit many different places for holidays, not spend most of our holidays in the same place. I have a list of places I want to visit and also want to return more to California when we can.

To Dive Girl: I am happy, I feel more settled now than I have in the last couple of years and I'm so pleased to see how well the pups have settled here.

To Linda Lou: I feel I can continue to keep touch with our Spanish adventure through your Mexican adventure, as our daily lives ran along such similar paths and experiences.

And now time to start writing again.