The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Our Cambank is gone.

Terreros is a small place and as such only has one bank with one cash point.

Correction: had one bank with one cash point. As from this weekend we no longer have a bank in Terreros. Now, I can live without the bank as I do most of my banking online and I think in the 7 months we have been here I have only gone into the bank once BUT no cash point, now that is going to cause some problems.

Apparently, the lack of customers and the 2nd break-in have led to the closure of the bank and I assume they didn't see any profit in keeping the cash point here. So we now need to be a little more organised with our cash and remember to top up when we are out in Aguilas or Puerta Rey .....

or anywhere really.

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