The story of our move to Andalucia .... and our move back to the UK


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Please come and join me at my new Blog.

If you have enjoyed catching up with me on here, please bookmark my new blog where you can keep up to date with my world.

If you bookmarked from my earlier link, please use this one - I missed a couple of letters out of the earlier one - Oooops!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Time for an end!

Throughout life things come to a natural end, friendships, relationships, events, hobbies........there are a whole list of things that reach a natural conclusion.

Remember the days at Primary School when you made a new friend. They became your best friend, you were going to be best friends forever. And within a month you hardly spoke anymore and had moved on to your next best friend.

Remember the boyfriend you had in Secondary school, you stared dating just weeks before the end of your school year and the start of college. He was your world and even college wouldn't stop you staying together, but your new life took over and by Christmas you had moved on.

Remember the first holiday you managed to save enough to take your dream trip. You had so much planned and so much fun, but all too soon it was time to come home.

Some things have a natural end because they were planned that way, others reach a natural end because they have run their course.

I feel that my blog has reached a natural end. It was started as a record of our plans to move to Spain. It was continued to cover our new life in Spain, and it became a wonderful way of sharing our toils, our trials and our new found friendships with people we knew and with many we didn't. I felt there was a purpose in continuing after our return to the UK, in how we adapted back to our life here.

But now it feels the adventure is complete and with it, the purpose of this blog is also complete. As such, the time feels right to retire it. To write this last chapter and, in doing so, to leave this record for others to find as they search for that dream in the sun. ]

But I will continue blogging so please come on over to and enjoy a chat.